Summary: Part two of Ayn Rand's groundbreaking novel. The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to a mounting energy crisis, a revolutionary motor that could seemingly power the...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 2013
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Jaxxon Pierce, a capitalist in a now-barren Earth is responsible for manufacturing an immortality serum named "Divinity", which was originally developed by his late father. Two brothers crash into the decaying Earth to stop Jaxxon from capitalizing on his serum, which is synthesized utilizing heinous methods and leaving an increasingly dire infertility rate in its wake. The twins hold Jaxxon...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024