
Shinya, Shima

Summary: "In the aftermath of the Hyperspace Disaster, young Jedi Knight, Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii, a newly inhabited planet in the Inugg system far in the outer rim. Banchii is the site of a new Jedi temple led by Master Arkoff, Lily's Wookiee mentor, who imagines the temple as a place of peace for new inhabitants and for those who are traveling beyond....

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: VIZ Media, LLC 2021

Copies Available at Kingsley

1 available in Young Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: YA GRAPHIC STA

Shinya, Shima

Summary: "Centuries before the Skywalker saga, a new adventure begins... It is the era of the High Republic and interstellar expansion is at its height. As trusted guardians of peace, the renowned Jedi protect the Republic and shine their light on those exploring the darkest reaches of the galaxy. When Padawan Keerin Fionn and Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi learn that the recent Drengir battle was not an...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: VIZ Media, LLC 2022

Copies Available at Kingsley

1 available in Young Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: YA GRAPHIC STA

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