Summary: Though crime is nothing new in Yorkshire, police sergeant Catherine Cawood finds her world turned upside down when the man she blames for her daughter's death, Tommy Lee Royce, is released from prison. Meanwhile, a desperate father arranges a kidnapping with a local drug lord to receive his wealthy boss' ransom money. The plan spirals out of control, however, when Tommy becomes involved with...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Distributed in the USA and Canada by Warner Home Video 2015
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: The intricate dance of life continues in this heartwarming drama series about two long-lost childhood sweethearts and the 60 years of baggage they bring to their better-late-than-never marriage. How will newlyweds Alan and navigate a startling revelation about Alan's past? And how will their adult daughters, Gillian and Caroline, deal with happiness and tragedy in their even more complicated...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: BBC 2015