Summary: In the future, after a Third World War has decimated much of the Earth's population, a new nation arose. Believing human emotions and their expression were to blame for the failings of past societies, it is decreed that all citizens must take a daily dose of a drug which levels out the emotional landscape, and that all forms of creative expression are against the law. An elite law enforcement...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Dimension Home Video 2003
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: In the future, after a Third World War has decimated much of the Earth's population, a new nation arose. Believing human emotions and their expression were to blame for the failings of past societies, it is decreed that all citizens must take a daily dose of a drug which levels out the emotional landscape, and that all forms of creative expression are against the law. An elite law enforcement...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Dimension Home Video 2003
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1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD EQUSummary: Ricardo Tubbs lives with Bronx-born Intel analyst Trudy. The two work undercover transporting drug loads into South Florida to identify a group responsible for three murders. Sonny Crockett is undercover working with the supplier of the South Florida group. He becomes romantically involved with Isabella, the Chinese-Cuban wife of an arms and drugs trafficker. The intensity of the case pushes...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Pictures 2006