Summary: It is a harrowing tale of perseverance and survival that unfolds during the great copper rush of 1845, when newlyweds Angelique, a young Ojibway, and Charlie, her voyageur husband, are left stranded throughout a brutal winter on Lake Superior's Isle Royale where Angelique is ultimately forced to face her inner demons and beliefs as the unbelievably beautiful, yet treacherous wilderness...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: A yearly high-stakes poker game between childhood friends turns into chaos when the tech billionaire host unveils an elaborate scheme to seek revenge for the ways they've betrayed him over the years. But as his plans unfold, a group of thieves hatches plans of their breaking into the mansion thinking it is empty. The old friends quickly band together and the years of playing the game help them...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023