Humes, Edward
Summary: "On an April night in 1989, three small children perished in a Los Angeles apartment fire. Their young mother, Jo Ann Parks, escaped unharmed. Based on forensic evidence, Parks was later convicted, sentenced to life in prison without parole. Now a young lawyer with the California Innocence Project is challenging the conviction and the so-called "science" behind it"--
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Center Point Large Print 2019
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP 364.152 HUMHumes, Edward
Summary: "After 30 years, Detective Jim Scharf arrested a teenage couple's murderer-and exposed a looming battle between the pursuit of justice and the right to privacy. When Tanya Van Cuylenborg and Jay Cook were murdered during a trip to Seattle in the 1980s, detectives had few leads. The murder weapon was missing. No one witnessed any suspicious activity. And there was only a single handprint on the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Dutton 2022