Knight, Louise W.
Summary: Jane Addams (1860-1935) was one of the leading figures of the Progressive era. This "pragmatic visionary," as Knight calls her, is best known as the creator of Hull House, a model settlement house offering training, shelter, and culture for Chicago's poor. Addams also involved herself in a long list of Progressive campaigns. Her rhetorical skills as both speaker and writer made her...
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Publisher / Publication Date: W. W. Norton 2010
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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 921 ADDAMS, JANE KNIStone, Tanya Lee.
Summary: "Ever since she was a little girl, Jane Addams hoped to help people in need. She wanted to create a place where people could find food, work, and community. In 1889, she chose a house in a run-down Chicago neighborhood and turned it into Hull House--a settlement home--soon adding a playground, kindergarten, and a public bath, By 1907, Hull House included thirteen buildings. And by the early...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Henry Holt and Company 2015
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Place a hold to request this item.Long, Michael G.
Summary: "This powerful and triumphant picture book biography tells the story of Bayard Rustin, an openly gay civils rights leader, who, with the support of Dr. King and future congressman John Lewis, led 250,000 people to the doorstep of the U.S. government demanding change"--
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Publisher / Publication Date: Little Bee Books 2023
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1 available in Juvenile Nonfiction, Call number: J 921 RUSHarris, Duchess
Summary: Eleanor Roosevelt is well known for her time as First Lady of the United States, but she also made important contributions to women's rights before, during, and after her husband's presidency. Eleanor Roosevelt Champions Women's Rights examines her efforts from multiple perspectives, including those of Roosevelt herself, her husband, Franklin, and later feminist activists.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Core Library, An Imprint of Abdo Publishing 2019