Wiseman, Ellen Marie
Summary: A vivid, daring novel about the devastating power of family secrets--beginning in the poignant, lurid world of a Depression-era traveling circus and coming full circle in the transformative 1950s...On a summer evening in 1931, Lilly Blackwood glimpses circus lights from the grimy window of her attic bedroom. Lilly isn't allowed to explore the meadows around Blackwood Manor. She's never even...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Compact Disc Audio Book, Call number: CD FIC WISWiseman, Ellen Marie
Summary: When sixteen-year-old Sage Winters learns her twin sister didn't die, that she was actually committed to an institution, which she just went missing from, Sage sets out to find her twin, and ends up being mistaken for her.
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2022