Summary: A drama based on notorious real-life events, Cristian Mungiu mounts a complex inquiry into faith, fanaticism, and indifference. At a desolate Romanian monastery, a young novice nun, Voichita, reunites with her former companion Alina, who plans to take her to Germany. But Voichita proves unwilling to abandon her calling, and Alina becomes increasingly desperate to reclaim her devotion, putting...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Divided into two chapters, director Bogdan George Apetri's Miracle begins with the young, beautiful Cristina Tofan sneaking away from an isolated convent. Working in the style of the Romanian New Wave, Apetri withholds key information about her motives as we follow her enigmatic journey, allowing tension to steadily build to a wavering precipice. The film's second part follows Marius Preda, a...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2022