Berne, Emma Carlson
Summary: "Based on the all-new animated micro-series spotlighting some of Star Wars' greatest heroes! Three exciting adventures featuring the heroic Rey, Sabine Wren of Star Wars Rebels, and Senator Padmé Amidala! Includes introductions by Maz Kanata and art from the series."--Amazon website.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Disney/Lucasfilm Press 2017
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Place a hold to request this item.Berne, Emma Carlson
Summary: "Read three exciting stories about one of Star Wars' greatest heroes! Princess Leia Organa is brave, is kind, and stands up for what is right. In these three adventures she undertakes a daring mission, makes some cuddly new friends, and protects an unlikely group of prisoners--Imperial stormtroopers! All of Leia's choices, both big and small, show what it truly means to be a hero."--Back cover.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: ABDO Spotlight 2020