
Summary: Set in a rubble-strewn Berlin in 1945, is like no other film about post-World War II Jewish identity. After surviving Auschwitz, a former cabaret performer, her face disfigured and reconstructed, returns to her war-ravaged hometown to seek out the gentile husband who may or may not have betrayed her to the Nazis. Without recognizing her, he enlists her to play his wife in a bizarre...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2016

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Foreign DVDs, Call number: DVD FOREIGN PHO

Blom, Kirsti

Summary: Plastic garbage knows no borders. Dumped into the sea, it floats on ocean currents and is distributed around the globe, threatening the livelihoods of sea birds and animals who both eat and are trapped by plastic waste. Told from the perspective of a Northern Fulmar, a sea bird who makes its home in the northeast Atlantic and across the northern hemisphere, Plastic Sea: A Bird's-eye View uses...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Cornell Lab Publishing Group 2020

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