Summary: "This holy grail for both documentary and theater aficionados offers a tantalizingly rare glimpse behind the Broadway curtain. In 1970, right after the triumphant premiere of Stephen Sondheim's groundbreaking concept musical Company, the renowned composer and lyricist, his director Harold Price, the show's stars, and a large pit orchestra all went into a Manhattan recording studio as part of a...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Documentary DVDs, Call number: DVD DOC ORIContents: Disc 1. The camp meeting jubilee (Unknown) -- My man rocks me (Trixie Smith) -- Kansas city blues (Jim Jackson) -- Going to move to Alabama (Charley Patton) -- Move it on over (Hank Williams) -- It's tight like that (Tampa Red) -- Pinetop's boogie woogie (Clarence "Pinetop" Smith) -- Jimmy's blues (Jimmy Blythe) -- Crazy about my baby (Blind Roosevelt Graves) -- Tiger rag (Washboard Rhythm...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Famous Flames Recording 2011