Summary: Ichigo and the Soul Reapers find themselves in a brutal battle against their own Zanpakuto, who are being controlled by Muramasa. But the chaos in the Seireitei is just one part of Muramasa's plan. His true objective lies in the World of the Living, and Ichigo is the key to achieving it. Contains: Episodes 243-255.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Viz Media 2013
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Anime, Call number: DVD ANIME BLESummary: "A mysterious man has given physical form to the Zanpakuto of all captains and lieutenants of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Newley liberated, the Zanpakuto wreak havoc upon the Soul Society and their former masters. Can Ichigo and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads rein them in before it's too late? More importantly, are they ready to uncover and truth, lies and deceit that await...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Viz Media 2013
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Anime, Call number: DVD ANIME BLESummary: "With Sosuke Aizen intent on destroying Karakura Town, the Soul Reapers fight to protect the four pillars placed by the Head Captain to replace the real Karakura Town with a fake one constructed in the Soul Society. When the Fracción Poww nearly destroys one of the pillars, the real Karakura Town slowly begins to return to the World of the Living. If it fully returns, the Soul Reapers will be...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Viz Media 2012
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Anime, Call number: DVD ANIME BLESummary: In their bid to assume control of the Soul Society, Kageroza's Reigai imposters turn out to be as powerful as their Soul Reaper originals. A weakening Ichigo and the others attempt to train Nozomi to reach Shikai, possibly their key chance to defeat Kageroza. But there is still more to the mod soul Nozomi than meets the eye Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto joins the battle, but when Nozomi is...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2015
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Anime, Call number: DVD ANIME BLESummary: Ichigo and his friends return from the Soul Society to the World of the Living and try to resume their normal lives. But when strange abductions start happening, it's up to them to solve the riddle. More Soul Reapers arrive to help uncover the truth behind a mysterious clan known as Bounts. Will these allies be strong enough to stop the Bount leader from stealing human souls and feeding his...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Viz Media 2009