Summary: When Doreen Green, also known as Squirrel Girl, volunteers to teach a high school computer programming class, she discovers that one of her students is Kamala Khan, who moonlights as the superhero Ms. Marvel.
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Publisher / Publication Date: Marvel Worldwide Inc., a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, LLC 2018
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1 available in Young Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: YA 741.5 MARWest, Alexandra
Summary: Banished to Earth to learn humility as a human, Thor proves his mettle and earns his hammer once again, but Loki still stands in his way.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Spotlight, a division of ABDO 2020
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Summary: Whem Morgan Le Fay invades New Jersey and turns it into New Camelot, it's up to Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, and their superhero friends to stop her.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Marvel Worldwide, Inc., a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment LLC 2019