Summary: A stirring drama about the complex friendship and transformative professional relationship between book editor Maxwell Perkins (who discovered F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway) and Thomas Wolfe.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
Copies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA GENCopies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD GEN RATED PG-13Summary: New Orleans, 38 months after. The city's musicians, chefs, Mardi Gras Indians, and others continue to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. But the promise of recovery, heightened by the historic election of a new president, is tempered by sobering economics, continued police corruption, and the ongoing specter of violence and crime. In these five final episodes of Treme,...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014
Copies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV TRESummary: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer: a misfit reindeer and his friends look for a place that will accept them.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018