
Keplinger, Kody

Summary: In the three years since the Virgil County High School Massacre, a story has grown up around one of the victims, Sarah McHale, that says she died proclaiming her Christian faith--but Leanne Bauer was there, and knows what happened, and she has a choice: stay silent and let people believe in Sarah's martyrdom, or tell the truth.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Press 2018

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC KEP

Keplinger, Kody.

Summary: Seventeen-year-old Bianca Piper starts sleeping with Wesley Rush, a notorious womanizer who disgusts her, in order to distract her from her personal problems, and to her surprise, the two of them find they have a lot in common and are able to help each other find more productive ways to deal with their difficulties.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Little, Brown 2010

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC KEP

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