Summary: Stand-up comedians tell stories from their lives as comics. Includes stories from Ben Bailey (Cash Cab), Dean Edwards (SNL), D. C. Benny (Comedy Central, HBO), Big Jay Oakerson (Comedy Central), Vic Henley (The Late Show), and Jess Wood.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Bseen Media LLC 2013
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Contents: Too young / Nat King Cole -- Wild, wild young men / Ruth Brown -- Seventeen / Boyd Bennett and his Rockets -- Teenage prayer / Gale Storm -- Boogie woogie teenage / Don Julian and the Meadowlarks -- Teenage mambo / The Gaylarks -- Teenage partner / Gene Vincent -- Teenage crush / Tommy Sands -- I'm not a juvenile delinquent / Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers -- Teenage party / Tommy Steele --...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2011