Summary: At a neon-drenched Toronto strip club, a coterie of lost and damaged souls-- including a man haunted by grief, a young woman with whom he shares an enigmatic bond, an obsessive emcee, and a smuggler of rare bird eggs-- search for redemption as they work through the traumas of their mysteriously interconnected histories in an obsessive cycle of sex, pain, jealousy, and catharsis. One of the...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2022
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: BLU-RAY DRAMA EXOSummary: A dark comedy set in Winnipeg during the Great Depression, where a beer baroness organizes a contest to find the saddest music in the world. Musicians from around the world descend on the city to try and win first place--a $25,000 prize.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Distributed by MGM Home Entertainment 2004