Summary: Tells the story of the trains that brought 12,500 children from New York and Boston to Michigan starting in 1854.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Program Source International 2002
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Place a hold to request this item.Richter, Max
Contents: Europe, after the rain (6:13) -- Maria, the poet (1913) (4:49) -- Laika's journey (1:29) -- The twins (Prague) (1:58) -- Sarajevo (4:03) -- Andras (2:42) -- Untitled (figures) (3:27) -- Sketchbook (1:56) -- November (6:23) -- Jan's notebook (2:39) -- Arbenita (11 years) (7:07) -- Garden (1973)/interior (3:25) -- Landscape with figure (1922) (5:14) -- Fragment (1:27) -- Lines on a page (one...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Fatcat Records 2009