Cussler, Clive
Summary: Ten years ago, a chance meeting at the Lighthouse Café in Redondo Beach led Sam Fargo and Remi Longstreet on a hunt for the legendary riches stolen from the Persian King Croesus in 546 B.C. They ran afoul of a criminal drug-running kingpin, but Sam and Remi survived their confrontation and managed to send him to prison. Now he has been released, and he has two goals in mind: Find the legendary...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Thorndike Press 2020
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP FIC CUSCussler, Clive
Summary: "Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo come up against an old enemy while searching for a treasure that has been lost for centuries in this exciting adventure in the bestselling series by the Clive Cussler, Grand Master of Adventure"--
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: G. P. Putnam's Sons 2020