Feldman, Joshua Max
Summary: "The author of the critically acclaimed The Book of Jonah explores questions of love and choice, disappointment and hope in the lives of two strangers who meet by chance in this mesmerizing tale that unfolds over one Thanksgiving Day. Adam is a former musician and recovering alcoholic who is home for Thanksgiving for the first time in many years. Surrounded by his parents and siblings, nieces...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: William Morrow 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC FELFeldman, Joshua Max.
Summary: Jonah Jacobstein is a lucky man: young, healthy and handsome, he has two beautiful women ready to spend the rest of their lives with him, and an enormously successful legal career that gets more promising by the minute. A bizarre, unexpected biblical vision at a party one night will change that forever. Hard as he tries to forget it, this upsetting sign is only the first of many Jonah will see,...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014