Summary: "The forest is filled with all sorts of Monsters, Goblins, Orcs, and even mighty Trolls lurk in the shadows. The watched and waited as you built your Castle and trained your soldiers, but now they've gathered their army and are marching out of the woods. Can you work with yhour friends to defend your Castle against the horde, or will the monsters tear down your Walls and destroy the precious...
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Fireside Games 2014
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: You and your friends are on a relaxing camping trip. But as you hammer in the last stake, you hear rustling. Bears are romping through the campsite! Who will survive the rampage? And who will be eaten by bears? Bears! is a fast-playing, competitive game in which you score points by pairing dice. Shoot bears and run from tents for a few points, or take a risk and score big by sleeping through...
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Fireside Games 2016