
Summary: The award winning and critically-acclaimed crime drama returns for another series of dark, gripping murder mystery investigations. In the six stories, DSI Boyd and his Cold Case Squad enter the visceral worlds of international terrorism, private military contractors, the penal system and sex offenders, Navajo rituals, people trafficking and neo Nazi politics to close more previously unsolved...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: BBC Worldwide 2013

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Summary: Chief Inspector Boyd and his team are back to reopen more cold cases in this Emmy Award-winning drama. Series Six sees Boyd and his team delve deep into the culture and traditions of Irish Travelers to investigate the mysterious death of a young boy drowned in a concrete pit; uncover a gruesome secret buried in the City of London around the time of Black Wednesday; and re-visit three murders...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: British Broadcasting Corp. 2012

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