Fox, Helena
Summary: "Sixteen-year-old Biz sees her father every day, though he died when she was seven. When he suddenly disappears, she tumbles into a disaster-land of grief and depression from which she must find her way back"--
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2019
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Summary: On the water, with everything hushed above and below, George is steady, silent. Then her estranged dad says he needs to talk, and George's past begins to wake up, looping around her ankles, trying to drag her under. George's best friend, Tess, is about to become a teen mom; her friend Laz is in despair about the climate crisis; her gramps would literally misplace his teeth if not for her, and...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Dial Books 2023
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1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC FOXRhee, Helena Ku
Summary: Accompanying his parents to their night-shift jobs as office cleaners, young Daniel reluctantly joins in as they use their imaginations to transform the deserted building into a magnificent paper kingdom where he might one day rule.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Random House 2020