Summary: Roland is an academic researcher who discovers some important letters written by a famous Victorian poet, Randolph Henry Ash. Ash was presumed to have been totally devoted to his wife, but Roland finds letters written to another unnamed woman, and soon determines that the intended recipient was another, less well-known poet, Christabel LaMotte. Roland contacts Maud, an expert on LaMotte's life...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Pictures 2003
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Romance DVDs, Call number: DVD ROMANCE POSJohn, Elton.
Contents: Every story is a love story -- Fortune favors the brave -- The past is another land -- Another pyramid -- How I know you -- My strongest suit -- Enchantment passing through -- My strongest suit (reprise) -- Dance of the robe -- Not me -- Elaborate lives -- The gods love Nubia -- A step too far -- Easy as life -- Like father, like son -- Radames' letter -- How I know you (reprise) -- Written in...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Buena Vista Records 2000