Amemiya, Yuki
Summary: "Years ago, the Seven Ghost Landkarte succumbed to a dark desire to eradicate all sin by simply erasing humanity. His plan has run unchecked for years, and now Frau, Teito and fellow Seven Ghost Ea are the only ones left standing in his way. If Teito hopes to continue on his journey to seal the evil god Verloren, then he'll have to find a way to forgive even this most irredeemable of souls" --
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Viz Media 2015
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Young Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: YA 741.5 ZERAmemiya, Yuki
Summary: "Teito joins the Black Hawks, unaware they are the very organization that has conspired to ruin his soul, end his life and revive the evil death god Verloren inside him. Using the military's sinister laboratory, they intend to brainwash Teito into giving Verloren tangible form! But Teito's true past resurfaces when he stumbles upon the grave of his best friend, Mikage" --
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Viz Media 2014