
Summary: Drama and reality combine in a fictitious 24 hours in the life of musician and international cultural icon, Nick Cave. With startlingly frank insights and an intimate portrayal of the artistic process, the film examines what makes us who we are, and celebrates the transformative power of the creative spirit. Featuring appearances by longtime Cave collaborators Ray Winstone, Blixa Bargeld,...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2014

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Music DVDs, Call number: DVD MUSIC TWE

Summary: An alien in the form of a voluptuous young woman combs the streets of Scotland in search of men. She lures a succession of lost souls into her otherworldly lair, where they are seduced, stripped of their humanity, and never heard from again.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Lionsgate 2014

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Summary: Set against the vibrant landscape of South Florida, and featuring an astonishing ensemble of award-winning actors and breakouts alike, this film traces the epic emotional journey of a suburban African-American family, led by a well-intentioned but domineering father, as they navigate love, forgiveness and coming together in the aftermath of a loss. A heartrending story about the universal...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2020

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA WAV

Copies Available at East Bay

1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE WAV

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD WAV

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