Summary: Ray is an ex-convict who is married to Frenchy, a former stripper. Ray concocts a scheme to rob a bank by digging a tunnel from a defunct pizza place next door. As a cover, Frenchy opens a cookie shop in the storefront while Ray digs in the back. Ray's burglary is a failure, but Frenchy's cookies are a rousing success, and within a year the store has spawned a nationwide franchise that makes...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: DreamWorks Home Entertainment 2000
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Harry Sanborn is a perennial playboy with the libido of a much younger man. During what was to be a romantic weekend with his current infatuation, Marin, at her mother's Hampton beach house, Harry develops chest pains. He winds up being nursed by Marin's reluctant mother, Erica. When Harry hesitates to act on his feelings for Erica, Harry's thirtysomething doctor steps in and starts to pursue...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment 2004