Summary: The story follows a young mother who, when on a day trip with her husband and son, commits a startling act of violence and, to her horror, has no idea why. The event launches an inverted and utterly surprising crime thriller whose driving force is not the 'who' or the 'what,' but the 'why.' When an investigator finds himself obsessed with uncovering the woman's buried motive, together they...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV SINDJ Khaled
Contents: Thankful / (feat. Lil Wayne & Jeremih) (5:38) -- Every chance I get / (feat. Lil Baby & Lil Durk) (3:56) -- Big paper / (feat. Cardi B) (2:39) -- We going crazy / (feat. H.E.R. & Migos) (3:16) -- I did it / (feat. Post Malone, Megan Thee Stallion, Lil Baby & DaBaby) (2:45) -- Let it go / (feat. Justin Bieber & 21 Savage) (2:45) -- Body in motion / (feat. Bryson Tiller, Lil Baby & Roddy Ricch)...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021