Summary: Martin, a skilled and ruthless mercenary, posing as a scientist sent into the Tasmanian wilderness on a hunt for a tiger believed to be extinct. Hired by an anonymous company that wants the tiger's genetic material, Martin proceeds to set up base camp at a broken-down farmhouse, where he stays with a family, becoming increasingly close to them. However, as his attachment grows, Martin is led...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Magnolia Home Entertainment 2012
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE HUNSummary: When seventeen year old J's mother dies of an overdose, he calls his grandmother, Janine "Smurf" Cody, who invites him to come live with her. A Ma Barker camouflaged as a cheery suburban grandmother, she dotes on her roguish boys, and looks to add J to the mix. The oldest is Pope, a gunman off his meds, unhinged drug dealer Craig, and baby-faced youngest Darren. The brothers, along with Pope's...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2011
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Crime / Mystery DVDs, Call number: DVD CRIME/MYSTERY ANISummary: In a world ten years following the collapse of society, the rule of the law has disintegrated and life is cheap. Hardened loner Eric travels the desolate towns and roads of the outback. When a gang of thieves steals his car they leave behind a wounded Rey in their wake. Forcing Rey to help track the gang, Eric will go to any lengths to take back the one possession that still matters to him.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Eleven-year-old Matt Tyler devises a plan to buy his father's company, Tyler Toys, so his dad has to work less and spend more time with the family. So Matt and his friend Danny start up to attract investors in a microchip that his sister Kelly is inventing. The money rolls in and through on-line trading, the "cyberkids" buy enough stock to take over Dad's company....
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Feature Films for Families 2003