
Proctor, Jenny

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Summary: "Kate Fletcher is my kryptonite. She's also my best friend. Former best friend? I'm not sure what you call it when we grew up attached at the hip and then she left Silver Creek (and me) to travel the world. The important thing is: Kate is back. (Temporarily.) And I'm still in love with her. (Permanently.) But something is different now. The attraction doesn't seem one-sided. I don't think I'm...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Center Point Large Print 2024

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Proctor, Jenny

Summary: "Perry Hawthorne is my boss. Only my boss. And I do NOT have a crush. When one of THE Hawthorne brothers -- known by their chiseled jawlines and their family-run farm and event center -- hires me to be his virtual assistant, I do everything I can to keep him firmly in the work zone. His grumpy demeanor helps. His smoking hot profile picture does not. But even if I do have a crush (a very tiny...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2024

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