Summary: In the first film of the collaboration between Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski, Don Lope de Aguirre dreams about conquering South America and leads his army on a doomed mission into oblivion. Jonathan Harker embarks on a long journey over the Carpathian Mountains to finalize real estate arrangements with a wealthy nobleman, little realizing that he is about to become involved with a dangerous...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Anchor Bay Entertainment 2015
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: A feverishly inspired take on Franz Kafka's novel, Orson Welles's film casts Anthony Perkins as the bewildered office drone Josef K., whose arrest for an unspecified crime plunges him into a menacing bureaucratic labyrinth of guilt, corruption, and paranoia. Exiled from Hollywood and creatively unchained, Welles poured his ire at the studio system, McCarthyism, and all forms of totalitarian...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023