Summary: Looking for a car? Want to go to college? Want to start your own business? Are all of these ideas pipe dreams? Only until they come true. To make them come true, you need to know something about handling finances. Positive Credit is an information-packed program that teaches viewers how to make a budget, what savings and assets are, how to use credit, how to become eligible for credit, the ins...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007
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Summary: Where did my last paycheck go? How can I save when I barely make it through the month? Why is my paycheck less than I expected? Many people enter the job market expecting their paychecks to bring them freedom and unlimited new possessions. In reality, what they find is an inability to control their finances and shock over the speed at which the paycheck disappears. This informative program...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005