Summary: "Wealthy entrepreneur Bruce Wayne and his ward Dick Grayson lead a double life: they are actually the crime-fighting duo Batman and Robin. A secret Batpole in the Wayne mansion leads to the Batcave, where Police Commissioner Gordon summons the Dynamic Duo on the Batphone with the latest emergency threatening Gotham City. Racing to the scene of the crime in the jet-powered Batmobile, Batman and...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV BATContents: disc 1. You upset me baby (B.B. King) -- Midnight in the Barrel House (Johnny Otis feat. Pete "Guitar" Lewis) -- First time I met the blues (Buddy Guy) -- Cotton crop blues (James Cotton feat. Pat Hare) -- Lookin' for my baby (Little Milton) -- Rock me (Muddy Waters) -- The stumble (Freddy King) -- All your love (I miss loving) (Otis Rush) -- Chicken-hearted woman (Clarence Samuels feat. Johnny...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Fantastic Voyage/Future Noise Music 2012