Summary: "As he scrambles to save Mino's deteriorating soul, Jaehwan is suddenly transported to a strange dimension. There, he faces a mysterious old man who wields a power similar to his own-the power of Awakening! His interest is piqued when the ancient warrior claims to have known the Dream Demon Mulak, the cryptic architect of the Nightmare Tower that appeared on Earth! But before the man can tell...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Ize Press 2023
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Summary: "A tower one day appeared in the skies, standing out as a beacon of chaos and apocalypse. A heroic and powerful lot known as Walkers cleared the tower floors in order to save humanity, until the day that the Stone of Regression was discovered. Walkers could now 'return' to the past, and slowly, everyone left. The brave few who remained formed Carpe Diem, a group of people who refused to abandon...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Ize Press 2022
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1 available in Young Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: YA 741.5 WORS-Cynan
Summary: "As he scrambles to save Mino's deteriorating soul, Jaehwan is suddenly transported to a strange dimension. There, he faces a mysterious old man who wields a power similar to his own-the power of Awakening! His interest is piqued when the ancient warrior claims to have known the Dream Demon Mulak, the cryptic architect of the Nightmare Tower that appeared on Earth! But before the man can tell...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Ize Press 2023