Summary: In 1954, an enormous beast clawed its way out of the sea, destroying everything in its path--and changing movies forever. The arresting original Godzilla soon gave rise to an entire monster-movie genre (kaiju eiga), but the King of the Monsters continued to reign supreme: in fourteen fiercely entertaining sequels over the next two decades, Godzilla defended its throne against a host of other...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2019
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Place a hold to request this item.Contents: Disc 1, Films 1-3. Zatōichi monogatari = Tale of Zatoichi (1962 ; 96 min.) / a Daiei Co. Ltd. production ; produced by Ikuo Kubodera ; screenplay by Minoru Inuzuka ; directed by Kenji Misumi -- Zoku Zatōichi monogatari = Tale of Zatoichi continues (1962 ; 72 min.) / a Daiei Co. Ltd. production ; produced by Ikuo Kubodera ; screenplay by Minoru Inuzuka ; directed by Kazuo Mori -- Shin Zatōichi...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
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1 available in Sight & Sound Print Material, Call number: SSC BLU-RAY FOREIGN BLINSummary: An aging warlord decides to split his kingdom between his three sons, who will live in three separate castles. The two eldest sons are quite happy, but the youngest thinks his father has gone mad, and predicts that it won't be long until the two older brothers are fighting with each other.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2005