Summary: "They are the most iconic animals on Planet Earth - voracious crocodiles, acrobatic birds, majestic elephants, stupendous whales. To see them is to marvel - and to ask a surprisingly challenging question: Where did these amazing creatures come from? Traveling millions of years into the past, we unravel these iconic creatures' lineage - a story full of twists and turns, punctuated by dramatic...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2019
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in E-TV DVDs, Call number: DVD E-TV WHESummary: It chronicles the famed biologist lifelong love for the natural world and his groundbreaking research. His work with ants led to his remarkable studies of advanced social behavior. His research turned to human behavior, and the controversial discipline of sociobiology was founded. His work in the great National Park of Gorongosa, brings together the great themes of his life and work: nature and...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: PBS Distribution 2015