Summary: Unleashed: Get charged up and unleash the mighty strength of the dinosaurs with the Power Rangers. Centuries after intergalactic bounty hunter Sledge tried to get his hands on the mysterious Energems, a new team of Rangers has unearthed the gems, and bonded with their powerful dinosaur spirit. With the help of Dino-fueled weapons, new Mega Zords, and teamwork, they must protect these gems at...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Join the Power Rangers for action-filled adventure as they face extreme dangers and impossible odds to protect the ten Energems. The Rangers must summon all their Dino Super Charge powers to become stronger than ever and battle the evil alien Heckyl and his alter ego Snide, but a force even greater than Heckyl stands in their way; the Dark Energem!
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017