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Memory in children Miscellanea Case studies Reincarnation Case studies Stevenson, IanFilter By Authors
Tucker, Jim B.Filter By Genres
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Memory in children Miscellanea Case studies Reincarnation Case studies Stevenson, IanFilter By Authors
Tucker, Jim B.Filter By Genres
bibliographyTucker, Jim B.
Summary: Investigates cases of children remembering past lives, including a boy who describes a previous life on a small island, and a boy who finds his past self in a photograph from the 1930s.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: St Martins Pr 2013
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 133.901 TUCTucker, Jim B.
Summary: "This popular examination of research into children?s reports of past-life memories describes a collection of 2,500 cases at the University of Virginia that investigators have carefully studied since Dr. Ian Stevenson began the work more than forty years ago. The children usually begin talking about a past life at the age of two or three and may talk about a previous family or the way they died...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: St. Martin's Griffin 2008