Summary: High school student Ashiya Hanae seeks out the help of Abeno Haruitsuki, known as the Master of the Mononokean, to exorcise the yokai that has attached itself to Ashiya, but Ashiya gets more than he's bargained for when in exchange, Ashiya must work as Abeno's assistant.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Anime, Call number: DVD + BLU-RAY ANIME MORTe Kanawa, Kiri.
Contents: Hine e hine / Fanny Howie, aka, Princess Te Rangi Pai (4:32) -- Tarakihi = (The locust) (2:56) -- Moe mai e hine (3:25) -- Hoea ra (3:58) -- Matangi (3:33) -- Huri huri (3:25) -- E papa : (Titi torca/E aue) (3:25) -- Ara ka titiro / attrib. to A. Reedy (3:49) -- Hoki hoki tonu mai / Fanny Howie (3:49) -- Po ata rau = (Now is the hour) (3:44) -- Piki mai (3:09) -- Haere ra e hine / attrib. to...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: EMI Classics 1999
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Compact Audio Disc, Call number: CD INTERNATIONAL/OCEANIC TEKKanawa, Kiri Te.
Contents: I got rhythm (3:32) ; Love walked in (3:06) ; Someone to watch over me (2:40) ; Summertime (2:40) ; By Strauss (2:47) / Gershwin -- Come to the fair (2:56) -- The ash grove (2:51) -- Greensleeves (3:32) -- Danny Boy (4:32) -- The best of me (4:13) -- He was beautiful (4:08) -- With you I'm born again (3:21) -- Somewhere out there (4:13) -- The folks who live on the hill (4:03) ; Smoke gets in...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Angel/EMI 1993