Summary: In National Lampoon's Animal house, the members of Delta Tau Chi fraternity offend the straight-arrow and up-tight people on campus in a comedy film which irreverently mocks college traditions. In The Blues Brothers, Jake Blues, recently released from prison, and his brother Elwood reassemble their blues band and stage a concert to raise money for the orphanage where they grew up. The jerk is...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Studios Home Entertainment 2012
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Place a hold to request this item.Contents: disc 1. Casey Jones (Billy Murray) -- Casey Jones (Fiddlin' John Carson) -- Southern Casey Jones (Jesse James) -- Steamboat Bill (Arthur Collins) -- Casey and Bill (Earl McDonald's Original Louisville Jug Band) -- Steamboat Bill boogie (Delmore Bros.) -- Red wing (Frank C. Stanley & Henry Burr) -- Red wing (Doc Williams & the Border Riders) -- Just break the news to mother (George J. Gaskin) --...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2019