Summary: "Isle of Dogs tells the story of Atari Kobayashi, 12-year-old ward to corrupt Mayor Kobayashi. When all the canine pets of Megasaki City are exiled to vast Trash Island, Atari sets off in search of his bodyguard dog, Spots. With the assistance of his newfound mongrel friends, he begins an epic journey that will decide the fate and future of the entire Prefecture."--Container
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD + BLU-RAY DRAMA ISLSummary: When all the canine pets of Megasaki City are exiled to a vast Trash Island, 12-year-old Atari Kobayashi embarks on an epic journey in search of his bodyguard-dog, Spots.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA ISLCopies Available at East Bay
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE ISLContents: Corduroy-- and more stories about caring. Corduroy (live action) -- The happy lion / by Louise Fatio ; illustrated by Roger Duvoisin -- Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel / written and illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton -- I love you like crazy cakes / by Rose Lewis ; illustrated by Jane Dyer -- Smile for Auntie / written and illustrated by Diane Paterson -- The happy owls / written and...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Weston Woods Studios 2008
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Juvenile Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD JUV CORSummary: Good night, gorilla: The zookeeper makes his nightly rounds but never suspects that someone is making mischief along the way. How do dinosaurs say good night: Even dinosaurs make a fuss before bedtime. Happy birthday, moon: Little Bear and the moon wish each other happy birthday. Napping house: Granny and all her critters pile on her bed for a nap.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Weston Woods 2002
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Juvenile Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD JUV GOOSummary: Like Sherlock Holmes and Watson before them, the brilliant but curmudgeonly Nero Wolfe and his streetwise sidekick Archie Goodwin are crime's greatest nemeses. With Nero preferring to solve crimes at home amid his orchid collection, it is Archie who does the legwork about town to allow Wolfe to unravel the most confounding crimes. Together the duo cracks cases of murder, deception, blackmail,...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: CBS Studios Inc. 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV NERContents: [Disc 1]. The inheritance (1997; 93 min.) / a Kraft Premier movie ; Alliance Atlantis Communications presents an Alliance Atlantis Communications/Cosgrove Meurer/Televest production ; producer, Ed Self ; teleplay by Maria Nation ; directed by Bobby Roth -- Love among the ruins (1975; 103 min.) / ABC/Circle Films ; produced by Allan Davis ; directed by George Cukor ; written by James Costigan....
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 2013