Summary: In order for both science and spirituality to coexist in the world, must an individual necessarily place one above the other? Or, if treated as coequals, must the empirical and the intangible always be kept separate, never to intersect? In bringing together proponents of science and spirituality, this program proposes a third course: to encourage the overlapping of these contrasting worldviews...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
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Summary: In a religious context, America's motto E Pluribus Unum-Out of Many, One-means not a merging of belief systems, but a joining together of such systems into an interfaith community that honors doctrinal differences while promoting mutual understanding through dialogue and collaboration. This program surveys America's increasingly pluralistic spiritual landscape via The Pluralism Project at...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008