Summary: This program spotlights the eastern African countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. In Aksum and Addis Ababa, Jonathan Dimbleby learns about initiatives to improve farming across Ethiopia; follows a pilgrimage to Aksum's Church of St. Mary of Zion; observes the Eid al-Adha festival in Addis Ababa; attends a session of a coffee-growers' commodity exchange; and visits some fair trade...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010
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Summary: This program focuses on the western African countries of Mali, Ghana, and Nigeria. In Bamako, Segou, and Djenne, Jonathan Dimbleby learns how mopeds are moving Mali into a better future; meets a traditional wedding singer whose songs are uncustomarily female-empowering; watches enterprising sand-diggers at work in the Niger River; and visits the intricate Djenne mosque. In Kumasi and Accra, he...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010