Summary: The Donana marshland. The oyster beds below Rio. The Caspian's sturgeon fishing grounds. The coral reefs of the South Pacific. This program travels to Spain, Brazil, Iran, and Fiji to observe efforts to mitigate severe ecological damage to these sensitive regions-places primarily spoiled by water pollution, with causes as varied as upland agricultural runoff and the rupture of a mine tailings...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
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Summary: The UN Environment Program has identified approximately 150 dead zones in the Earth's seas-some more than 40,000 square miles in size. Examining causes ranging from too many partially cremated bodies in the Ganges to defunct sewage systems in Nairobi, this program explains how watercourses flowing into the seas are being polluted and coastal areas are being destroyed. The catastrophic effects...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006