Summary: This program provides useful guidelines and advice to caregivers assisting people with mental impairments. The two major classifications of impairment are closely examined: dementia, or degenerative diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer's, and mental disorders due to congenital conditions, such as Down syndrome. Techniques on how to communicate with and assist elderly people are demonstrated....
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
View online at AVOD
Summary: For people with disabilities, the great enemy is depression and a feeling of helplessness, which is why preserving some means of simply getting around is so important. This program looks at ways individuals with disabilities and their caregivers can overcome problems of physical mobility. Using clear-cut demonstrations and excellent computer graphics, the program illustrates techniques of...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
View online at AVOD
Summary: This program addresses disability-related concerns that are matters of not only a person's health but dignity as well. The two types of long-term bladder problems-disinhibited and paralyzed bladder-are discussed, along with their management. The reasons for constipation and the different types of laxatives are explained, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the bedpan and commode....
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
View online at AVOD
Summary: This program explains the principles of assisting people with speech, hearing, or vision impairments. Various speech impediments are explored, such as misshapen palate, spastic dysarthria, and dysphasia due to stroke or Parkinson's disease. Speech pathologists are shown working with individuals who have speech or hearing impairments. Excellent computer animation is used to show the two major...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007
View online at AVOD
Summary: This program focuses on how a brain grows from a fertilized egg and how our brains change, even after birth, right up to old age. The establishment of connections between brain cells occurs not only in the womb, but also after birth. These connections can be modified, or even abolished, in accordance with certain changes in the environment. Hence, the development of the brain is a little like...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007