Gear, Kathleen O'Neal.
Summary: Young Wrass, still being held captive, along with several other children, in Gannajero's camp, organizes the children for an assault on Gannajero's warriors. Meanwhile Koracoo and Gonda are coming for the children and they have allies: a battle-weary Mohawk war chief and a Healer from the People of the Dawnland.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Forge 2011
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC GEAGear, W. Michael.
Summary: Summoned by the mystical Katsinas to return to his home, Old White, the wandering "Seeker," follows a trail that takes him to the headwaters of the Mississippi and to a life-changing encounter with Two Petals, whose tortured soul he must heal.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Forge 2008