Summary: Every new migrant has a different story to tell, but most of those stories are based on the desire for a better way of life. Through the experiences of several newcomers and their families, this program explores the history, causes, and impact of migration in the U.K. Viewers meet a former nurse who left West Africa to help support more than 30 family members back home, a Latvian farm worker...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005
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Summary: Like many economically developed countries the U. K. is home to a rapidly growing number of people over the age of 50. What are the social changes behind this trend, and what are its implications? The issues surrounding an aging population are examined in this program, using East Devon in the U. K. as a case study. The video addresses the strain on health care, special housing, and...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005