Ennis, Garth
Summary: In the continuing saga of the bizarre adventures of faithless Texas preacher Jesse Custer, Jesse, along with his girlfriend Tulip, and their friend Cassidy, the Irish vampire, head west to a party of Babylonian proportions. Then, Jesse heads for France to rescue Cassidy from the clutches of religious fanatics. His search leads him into a no-holds-barred battle against the forces of the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: DC Comics 2010
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: 741.5 PRESummary: The second season is a genre-bending thrill ride that follows West Texas preacher Jesse Custer, his badass ex-girlfriend Tulip and Irish vampire Cassidy as they embark on a road trip to find God and are thrust into a twisted battle spanning Heaven, Hell and everywhere in between.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017