Summary: The vibrant and eclectic cultural mix of Santiago de Cuba is obvious in the music of Cuba's second-largest city. This program spotlights performances of the following songs: "Pin Pon," by Ecos del Tivoli; "Monta al Pelo," by Aimee Campos, of Morena Son; "Pensando en Ti," by Eva Grinan; "Descripcion de un Sueno," by Gabino Jardines; "Recuerdos del Ayer," by Septeto Santiaguero; "Tirame la Pelota...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009
View online at AVOD
Summary: Many point to Corrientes, a center of musical culture, as the birthplace of the original Chamame. This program focuses on performances of the following songs: "Chamame Crudo," "Mi Pueblo, Mi Casa, Mi Soledad," and "El Prostibulo," by Grupo de Chango Spasiuk; "La Ratonera," by Tilo Escobar and Chango Spasiuk; "No Me Aflojes Companero," by Tilo Escobar; "La Desdichada," by Grupo de Tito Miqueri;...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009
View online at AVOD
Summary: In existence for more than a century, the Mexican corrido-or musica de la frontera, as it has also come to be known-continues to be met with enthusiasm on both sides of the Mexico/U.S. border. Filmed on location in Mexico and San Diego, this program showcases performances of the following songs: "Terrible Cuerno de Chivo," by Los Sierrenos; "Ezequiel Rodriguez," by El Palomo y el Gorrion;...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009